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Resource Description Procedures & Guidelines: Graphic Novels

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Cataloging Graphic Novels

If the item is part of a series…

  • For new graphic novels in a series:
    • If each issue has its own separate title, each volume should be cataloged with its own Bib record.
    • If the series issues are differentiated solely by volume number (each issue does NOT have its own title), the series should be cataloged as a continuing resource.
  • When continuing a series AU already owns, follow the practice used (one Bib record, separate Bib records, etc.) for the previous items in the series.
    • For a description of past cataloging practices, see the “Graphic Novels in a series” section.

Bib Record​

  • 008 field, Contents 1 set to 6: Comics/Graphic novels
  • 050 field, search for similar/duplicate call numbers in the WRLC catalog; if there is a discrepancy, edit the call number accordingly (See 'Call Numbers for Graphic Novels, fiction' tab).
  • 100 field, first author listed
  • 245 ‡c, author and principle artist/s
  • If part of a series, volume contents (often found in the indicia of the book) should be included in a 500 field. Example below:


  • 500 _ _ ‡a "Contains material originally published in magazine form as CAPTAIN MARVEL #1-6" -- Indicia.
  • 490 / 830 fields should only be added if the title of the series is not already stated in the 245 field.
  • 655 _ 7 ‡a Graphic novels. ‡2 lcgft
  • 700 field, first artist listed if not already in 100 field

Holdings Record

  • 852 0 _ ‡b augn ‡h [Call Number] ‡i [Cutter Number]
  • 866 field should be used for series that have all items linked to one Holdings and one Bib record; these are series that do not have separate titles for each issue. Follow the example below to list all of the volumes AU currently owns in the Holdings record:

852  0  _  ‡b augn ‡h PN6727.F48 ‡I B853

866  3  1  ‡8 0 ‡a v.1-v.2

Item Record

  • Make sure that the Permanent location for the item record is set to augn, and Item Type is set to Regular Loan. 

Fiction Graphic novels are cataloged under PN67XX, depending on the nationality of the main author (see below). 

Graphic novels are further divided by either author (standalone graphic novel, series with one primary author) or series (series with multiple authors).

Graphic novels organized by American authors are cataloged under PN6727 ; American series are organized by title under PN6728. For other nationalities, see above.

EX. 1 Batgirl is an American series with different authors for each issue. The call number for the first volume is PN6728.B358 S74 v.1 2015

PN6728        American series

.B358           Series title (Batgirl)

S74              Main author of the first issue (Stewart, Cameron) ; this cutter number will be used for all subsequent issues, whether or not the author is still the main entry.

v.1*              Volume number

2015            Date of publication ; volume number precedes publication date when the volumes in a series are published in different yearsIf all issues of a series are published in the same year, the volume number is listed after the publication date.

EX. 2 The stand-alone graphic novel Blankets is by American author Craig Thompson. The call number is PN6727.T48 B58 2003

PN6727      American author

.T48             Author’s last name (Thompson, Craig)

B58              Title of graphic novel

2003            Date of publication

EX. 3 The Bunker is an American series written by Joshua Hale Fialkov. The call number for the first volume is PN6727.F48 B853 v.1 2014

PN6727      American author

.F48             Last name of the author (Fialkov)

B853            Title of the series (The Bunker)

v.1*               Volume number

2014            Date of publication ; volume number precedes publication date when the volumes in a series are published in different years. If all issues of a series are published in the same year, the volume number is listed after the publication date.


* The historical practice for classification was to differentiate series issues with the cutter number (see example below), though we now differentiate issues with a volume number. When cataloging a series AU already owns, follow the classification used for the previous items in the series.

Fables by Bill Willingham

v.3 is PN6727.W52 ‡b F333 2004 

v. 4 is PN6727.W52 ‡b F334 2004 

v. 20 is PN6727.W52 ‡b F434 2014 

v. 21 is PN6727.W52 ‡b F435 2015 

Previously, all graphic novels in a series were cataloged under separate Bib records, regardless of whether they had an individual title or not. When cataloging a series AU already owns, follow the practice used (one Bib record, separate Bib records, etc.) for the previous items in the series.

Our new practice is to treat series with no individual titles as a continuing resource; all of the item records in the series will be attached to one holding and one Bib record.

Cataloging NEW series in Graphic Novels

  • See the “Call Numbers for Graphic Novels, fiction” section for call number classification.
  • If the series issues are differentiated solely by volume number (each issue does NOT have its own title), the series should be cataloged as a continuing resource AND the 500 field should list the volume contents (often found in the indicia) for each volume of the series. Example below:

505 0 ­_ ‡a V.1. Issues #1-4 -- v.2. Issues #5-9.

  • Formation of 245 and 246 fields for graphic novels in a series:

245 1 0 ‡a [Title of series]. ‡n [Volume number], ‡p [Volume Title] / ‡c [Statement of Responsibility]

246 3 0 ‡a [Volume Title]

  • Title and volume number for the first issue (or a special issue) of a series should preferably be taken from the title page, although if more information is given on the cover page or the indicia then that info can be used in lieu of the title page title.
  • For all continuing volumes in a series, copy the wording of 245 used in the 245 subfields ‡a and ‡b of the first issue if the title is presented as such somewhere in the resource.
    • If the volume in hand does not present the title in the same format somewhere in the resource in the same format as the other volumes, the information should be given as found in the volume in hand, with an added 246 field that follows the established pattern of the other volumes.
  • Feel free to be liberal with the creation of 246 fields for variant titles patrons are most likely to use when searching in the catalog.


​​245 1 0 ‡a Captain Marvel. ‡n Vol. 1, ‡p In pursuit of flight / ‡c writer, Kelly Sue DeConnick. 

246 3 0 ‡a In pursuit of flight

246 3 4 ‡a Earth's mightiest hero Captain Marvel

Front cover  

How to tell if the graphic novel is the first in a series

  • A Wikipedia, Amazon, or Google search will often tell you if this is part of a series or a standalone comic. If searching through Wikipedia, search for the author’s name if there are no results under the name of the graphic novel.
  • If the above does not give any helpful info, search in OCLC Connexion for a series record. If none exists, then assume it is a standalone graphic novel and catalog accordingly.