American University Library
Foreign Languages
Determine if the authority record already exists in Voyager:
Go to Record:
And select Retrieve Authorities:
In this case, there is no authority record for the series Global realities:
Go to Connexion and search in the Authority File:
Under Titles:
Choose the appropriate record:
To export the record either click the button with the E and the green arrow:
Or select Export from the Action menu:
Now, go back to Voyager and select Import from the Record menu:
Select the Import File:
Open the record:
And save it:
Now, when Retrieve Authorities is selected from the Record menu the exported authority record appears:
Export single record in Connexion
Dom Bortruex 11-1-2021
Exporting a record: Prompt for filename
NOTE: When you export a record, it is appended to your export destination file. If I export record A, then export record B, my export file will contain one file with both records.
RECOMMENDATION: After each export, delete the export destination file. A new one will be created when you export.
Exporting a record to a new export destination
NOTE: When you export a record, it is appended to your export destination file. If I export record A, then export record B, my export file will contain one file with both records. See Caution note in Notes section below.
RECOMMENDATION: After each export, delete the export destination file. A new one will be created when you export.
Exporting a record to an existing export destination
Notes about Exports
After you export records:
*Caution: When exporting to a file that already exists:
Additional Help Resources
The desired font in Connexion for bringing in records is Arial Unicode MS which no longer comes by default in the Windows 10 font package.
We believe that NOT having this font causes diacritical errors in Alma.
If you bring in records from Connexion, please check to see if you have it:
Also make sure this part is set to these options:
Why did I get this message while working in the Connexion client Local File: “record already in use by another user”?
Somehow your record has become “locked.” It’s a common problem, but one that is easily remedied. Go to the File menu and open the Local File Manager. Highlight the file that contains the locked record. Then, click on the Compact/Repair button on the right side of the Local File Manager screen. This should unlock the record. If you continue to receive sharing violation messages and still cannot open records in the file, do the following:
Note: If multiple people use this local file, follow this procedure on all workstations that access the file.
It is also a good idea to use the Compact/Repair button each time you delete or move records in a local file. Records saved to Connexion’s online Save file are automatically deleted after 14 days for copy cataloging records and after 28 days for original records. Records in the local file, however, do not expire and are only deleted when the cataloger manually deletes them (Action->Delete Record). Compacting a local file removes empty space that remains after you delete records or move them to another file. Deleting or moving records from a local file does not remove the empty space the records once occupied, and the file size continues to grow unless you compact it. Follow the same procedure listed above to compact a file.
This information taken from Amigos Library Services website.