American University Library
Foreign Languages
1. Call up record by call # or if you have trouble finding the appropriate record, call it up by barcode.
2. Read the Reference Materials Action Form. Usually we are sending a serial to the stacks or withdrawing it from the collection.
3. If withdrawing it from the collection, delete the item record, stamp Withdrawn and place in the discard bin. If the book is a monograph or the only volume of a serial we own, delete the OCLC holdings.
4. If transferring to the general stacks,
Call up the bib record
Open the aur and auc holdings records
Minimize and arrange open windows for easier viewing
Select the item/s to be de-reffed from the aur items
Close the aur holdings record (just to get it out of the way)
Relink the item to the auc holdings record
Go to Record – Relink to a different holding Enter Holdings Record # (located in upper left corner of Holdings Record; make certain the item has been attached to the right Holdings Record – one wrong digit will attach it to an entirely different record)
Note that once “OK” is clicked the item location will change to auc and the holdings # in the item banner will change to the auc holdings #.
Now, change the Permanent Location and Item Type
From aur to auc and from Non-circulating to Regular Loan (or whatever the Reference Action Form instructs)
Save changes, close item record and check the work just done
Update the 866 Field (The 866 is a Holdings Record field that usually shows volume or year information.)
Check the 866 for any pertinent instructions (i.e. withdraw any items over 5 years old)
Check item list to make sure the relinked items sequenced correctly.
Send to Processing for relabeling.
Mark Statistics as De-Refs