American University Library
Foreign Languages
Blue Reference
-Catalog as usual.
-Update holdings with new volume number if latest only on reference.
-Put on Ref Shelf for Processing.
Gold = ILL
-Catalog as usual.
-Put on Circ Rush Out shelf.
Blue CMC
-Catalog as usual.
-Put on CMC shelf for Processing.
Green CMC
-Catalog as usual.
-Put on CMC shelf for Processing.
Purple CMC
-Catalog as usual.
-Put on Graphic Novel shelf for Processing.
Pink flag = Reserves
-Catalog as normal with the temporary location auz in the item record. (Note: 852 and perm. location should be auc.)
-Watch out for notes from Acq. regarding….
Previous editions - if there are previous editions use the same call number so that all items will be shelved together.
Items that must be pulled - if Acquisitions identifies previous editions to be pulled find the book in the stacks and withdraw the item.
Add/replacement - treat adds and replacements as normal
-Keep all paperwork with the book.
-Place book on the Rush Cart in Processing.
- If the item is shelf ready, place it on the right side of the To Bender shelving range marked Reserves Out.
Mark items as received in RMAD, this can be done several items at a time or one by one.
Login to RMAD Access Database (I:\Information Delivery Services\Reserves-Acquisitions DB\4.1\R-MAD 4.1.accdb)
In the toolbar on the left in the “Forms” category select “frmLogin”
From the “Please Choose Your Department” dropdown list select Reserves
In the home tab select “Ordered”
Navigate through the list to find the book that you are cataloging. Select it.
In the “Status” field select “Received”
The item is now updated.
Blue Flag = Music Library Reserves
-Catalog as normal with the temporary location auks in the item record. (Note: 852 and perm. location should be auc.)
-Watch out for notes from Acq. regarding….
Previous editions - if there are previous editions use the same call number so that all items will be shelved together.
Items that must be pulled - if Acquisitions identifies previous editions to be pulled find the book in the stacks and withdraw the item.
Add/replacement - treat adds and replacements as normal
-Keep all paperwork with the book.
-Place book on the Rush Cart in Processing.
- If the item is shelf ready, place it on the right side of the To Bender shelving range marked Reserves Out.
Green flag = Hold/Notify
Yellow flag = Notify
-Catalog as normal
-Put these on the rush cart
-If the item is shelf ready, put on the Circ Rush - Rush Out shelf
-Keep all paperwork with the book.
CLS requests will have an email printout.
-Catalog as normal
-Put these on the rush cart in Processing.
-If the item is shelf ready place on the left side of the To Bender Rush Shelf marked Rush Out.
Keep all paperwork with the book.
-Catalog as normal.
-Add/update call number.
-Put these on the Label Shelf.
-Rush items do not have updated OCLC holdings, so always check
-Rush items come from various sources and are often hot off the press. If the item requires original cataloging, or significant enhancement, route to Amy or Alayne.