Partner Collections are autonomous collections of resources associated with an individual school/department and are intended for the exclusive use of the AU Community. We catalog partner collections' materials to make them more accessible to students/fac/staff via our OPAC/Discovery layer. Some of these materials can be checked out for varying loan periods, others are meant to be used only on-site.
Partner Collections can come and go-- establishing a new partner requires agreement between the Director of Access Services, the Director of Technical Services, and the Director of the potential partner collection. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is written up and signed, detailing mutual obligations. If a partner collection wishes to renegotiate or dissolve our agreement, the aforementioned Library representatives should similarly be consulted. Typically, our MOUs include a provision that the library be given the option to absorb titles a partner collection no longer wants. AU Library collection managers determine what of these to add to the library's collection on a title by title basis.
A Cirulation/Inventory report is produced each month per partner collection to guide collection development and enhance maintenance efforts.
Partner Collection materials generally don't go through regular Library processing because they are cataloged off-site from SVB. Instead, send excel spreadsheets of item barcodes needing spine labels to Nissa. Physical materials only get barcodes and spine labels, and should not be stamped. DVDs should not get magnetic strip stickers.
When adding materials to partner collections, follow general copy/original cataloging guidelines. Use partner collection locations and loan types instead of the default auc/regular loan. Do not update OCLC holdings.
When a Partner Collection manager decides they are ready to discard materials, send a list of titles to the appropriate AU Library collection manager to see if they are wanted for the Library's collection For the most part, this will be Melissa (Art) or Martin. If so, update OCLC holdings and change item location/type. Send adds to processing.
Delete unwanted titles' item and holding records (and bib record, if the partner collection copy is the only holding). Stamp the "Withdrawn AU Library" stamp in red ink above the AU Library barcode. ((This stamp/ink pad lives in the right-side supply cabinet behind Eva at SVB))
Reports should be compiled on the first day of each month, or as soon thereafter as possible.
Launch Alma Design Analytics and view the Partner Collection Monthly Circulation dashboard. This should be available under "American University" if you click "Dashboards" in the toolbar. The dashboard is saved to Shared Folders/American University/Dashboards. The analysis files are at Shared Folders/American University/Reports/Resource Description/Partner Collections.
View the Monthly Circulation tab. Select the previous month and the correct year and financial year on the left, along with the one or more locations for each partners you need circulation reports for.
Partner | Locations for Circulation Report |
CLEAR | au10book, au10media, au10rsrv |
CAREER | au2book |
VRC | au6cdr |
Click Apply to run the report. Then export the reports by clicking the "page options" icon and selecting Export to Excel>Export Current Page.
View the Partner Collection Inventory dashboard tab. Export the report for each location code for each partner (including non-circulating locations).
Use the CLEAR Reserves tab to export the inventory of everything currently in CLEAR reserves. If the dashboard tab does not work, open the analysis and export from there.
With the exported files open in Excel, move the sheets into a single file for each partner.
Update the sheet labels to reflect the content of the reports.
Delete unnecessary columns from the inventory sheets.
Save the compiled Excel spreadsheets in I:\AU Technical Services\Cataloging Services Unit\Partner Collections\Reports
Each Partner Collection has a resource collection section of their website with a custom search box. Occasionally, these need tweaking (say, when a new location is added). We can supply updated code to partner collections that they can incorporate into their site. Consult Sam Wehrspann to develop/test as needed.
The Alper Initiative for Washington Art showcases exhibits/resources on DC art and artists.
Jack Rasmussen | Director | (202) 885-2489 | |
Kristi-Anne Shaer | Associate Director | (202) 885-3678 | |
Elizabeth Cowgill | Marketing & Publications Specialist | (202) 885-3617 | |
Jonathan Ellis | Alper Fellow | |
Library Code | Location Code | Description | Loan Type |
MUSEUM | aukatz | Alper Initiative for Washington Art | Non-circulating |
Work with Alper Fellow on day-to-day adds, inventory, etc. Work with Kristi-Anne Shaer when there is no Alper Fellow or with larger questions/problems. Work with Elizabeth Cowgill for Katzen Museum publications that are to be added to the library (auva) and archives.
Regular | Summer | |
11a-4p | Monday | 11a-4p |
11a-4p | Tuesday | 11a-4p |
11a-4p | Wednesday | 11a-4p |
11a-4p | Thursday | 11a-4p |
11a-4p | Friday | 11a-4p |
The Career Center's resource collection supports the center's mission to prepare members of the AU community to enter the job market, change vocations, act professionally on the job, etc.
NOTE: Currently all Career Center materials are suppressed in Alma while the Career Center is closed to in-person visits. Either the bibliographic records are suppressed (if the only holdings are Career Center), or the holdings records are suppressed (if other copies are held by AU).
Emily Lelandais | Customer Service and Resource Coordinator | (202) 885-1803 | |
Library Code | Location Code | Description | Loan Type |
CAREER | au2book | Main collection | 4 week loan |
CAREER | au2rbook | Reference | Non-circulating |
CAREER | au2mbook | Merit Awards Office | Non-circulating |
Generally, books are added to au2book; reference-type materials can be added to au2rbook.
Primo search appears not yet to have been set up -- waiting for Career Center admin to decide where search box should go.
Regular | Summer | |
9a-5p | Monday | 9a-5p |
9a-8p | Tuesday | 9a-5p |
9a-8p | Wednesday | 9a-8p |
10a-5p | Thursday | 10a-5p |
9a-5p | Friday | 9a-1p |
CLEAR (The Center for Language Exploration, Acquisition and Research) supports the College of Arts and Sciences' Department of World Languages and Cultures. They host 1:1 coaching sessions for students currently enrolled in foreign language courses, classes and events, language proficiency exams, and provide access to a collection of books and other media.
Gorky Cruz | Director | (202) 885-2374 | |
Chris(topher) McGraw | Administrative Assistant and Supervisor | (202) 885-2357 | |
Library Code | Location Code | Description | Loan Type |
CLEAR | au10book | Main collection (books) | 2 week loan |
CLEAR | au10rbook | Reference books (dictionaries) | 3 hour loan |
CLEAR | au10media | DVDs | 7 day loan |
CLEAR | au10rsrv | Reserve books/DVDs (temporary location) |
3 hour loan |
Their main collection, on the open shelves around the room, is separated by languages and shelved in LC order within each language section. The single unit of shelving behind the desk are their items on Reserve for the semester. The book collection and reserves books include the 3-letter MARC language code as a label and call number prefix ($$k in the holdings record). The media collection is in the closed door shelves around the room, classified by the 3-letter MARC language code and first letter of the film title, e.g. Spa E (/el/ Espinazo del diablo--- ..also one of ADAM's FAVORITE MOVIES). There are also racks of dictionaries. The shelves of travel books are not and don't need to be cataloged. The tray at the bottom of the Reserve shelf holds items to be cataloged.
Because the label printing program has trouble parsing prefixes, labels for au10book and au10rbook items should be handed directly to the student workers to let them know that the label program parsing routine needs to be changed for these and then changed back; for lists of barcodes, include a note on the list about the need to change parsing routine and then change it back. For au10media, labels can be handled the same way as all other partner collections.
Generally, books will be assigned to au10book with a 2 week loan. Reserves textbooks and DVDs (as determined by CLEAR) should be assigned to au10book or au10media and temporarily assigned to their reserve location (au10rsrv) with a 3 hr. loan. Dictionaries and books like 501 French Verbs are assigned to au10rbook.
CLEAR charges materials to patrons using the Alma Self-Check app on a library-provided iPad. It doesn't allow look-ups or overrides. When an item is on the shelf at a partner collection, it should be charged to the dummy patron account for that collection-- in this case au clear, and displays as available in the library catalog. For help reinstalling/updating the self-check module, consult Rob/Matt.
Regular | Summer | |
9a-9p | Monday | 9a-5p |
9a-9p | Tuesday | 9a-5p |
9a-9p | Wednesday | 9a-5p |
9a-9p | Thursday | 9a-5p |
9a-5p | Friday | 9a-5p |
Below are the instructions for the student workers:
Career Center, Katzen Museum, VRC
CLEAR: Parsing and Prefixes
Ex. Fre PC 2117 .H485 2003
CLEAR books are labeled using the SpineOMatic parsing setting
The VRC (Visual Resource Center) supports the AU Art Department, which includes Studio Art, Arts Management, and Art History programs.
Sam(uel) Sadow | Curator | (202) 885-1675 | |
Library Code | Location Code | Description | Loan Type |
VRC | au8book | Main (Kassalow) collection | Non-circulating |
VRC | au8cat | Exhibition catalogues collection | Non-circulating |
VRC | au6cdr | Art Studio AV equipment | A/V equipment |
The main collection (the Kassalow), runs along the left and back wall of the main room and around the perimeter of the conference room. These materials are assigned to au8book and are non-circulating. There are a handful of DVDs included in this location, classified by the first letter of the title.
They have a new collection of Exhibition Catalogues in a standalone shelving unit. These are assigned to au8cat and are also non-circulating. They are classified by the first letter of the artist's last name. In cases where there are two artists, use the first. If there are more than two artists, use the first letter of the title. These materials are also cataloged in LibraryThing so that they can be tagged for individual courses/instructors and are more readily-browsed (The VRC will manage and maintain their own account). Dawn has ordered special A-Z labels that I will have handed over to Sam. Here is the info if they need to be re-ordered: SKU#12554270 PRD# H16776W (A-Z Labels 3/4" x 1", White w/Black 8 Complete Sets)
There is also a shelving unit of Graphic Design titles, which I have barely gotten to. Anything that is cataloged is currently assigned to au8book and non-circ. I will recommend to Sam that they add bookplates to differentiate between these and the rest of the Kassalow collection.
The VRC loans AV equipment to Art Studio folks. This is assigned to au6cdr as AV equipment.
Regular | Summer | |
8a-4p | Monday | 8a-4p |
8a-4p | Tuesday | 8a-4p |
8a-4p | Wednesday | 8a-4p |
8a-4p | Thursday | 8a-4p |
8a-4p | Friday | 8a-4p |
Adrian Mihailescu
Kogod - T54A
Equipment loans only (15 laptops as of 6/7/2018).
Location code: auwmctr
Location id: 1102
Alma code: aukogodcpu